VAIA CAR stands out in the railway sector with its loaders specifically designed for working on railway lines. Unlike standard machine adaptations, these loaders offer maximum efficiency, safety, and operational stability due to their specialized design and integration of advanced technological solutions. VAIA CAR backhoe loaders are already authorized for market entry and are approved for operation on the RFIG. This can be verified in the ERATV.
The dual-purpose system from VAIA CAR combines stability, high lifting capacity, and safety with technological innovation, thanks to its software-controlled hydraulic railway front axle and disc brakes on the rear wheels. With hydraulic cylinders protected within the frame for increased durability, this robust and efficient design reflects over 55 years of experience in railway solutions, supported by personalized technical assistance and a commitment to quality and adaptability, making it a strategic investment for railway operations.
Models: RF7 (21 Ton)- RF8 (25 Ton)- RF8Light (25 Ton + Counterweight)- RF8S (32 Ton)